The Status of Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Sedika Hejazi[1]

Allah deputed the Prophet with a sparkling light, a clear argument, an open path and a guiding book. His tribe is the best tribe and his lineal tree the best lineal tree whose branches are in good proportion and fruits hanging (in plenty).

You should follow your Prophet, the pure, the chaste, may Allah bless him and his descendants. In him is the example for the follower, and the consolation for the seeker of consolation. The most beloved person before Allah is he who follows His Prophet and who treads in his footsteps.[2]      

As many world thinkers have admitted, Iranian February 1979 revolution made significant changes and developments in global scale. The first ever religious revolution in history of contemporary world sought great aims which for long have been kept away from humans.

Divine religion and faith for God, and implementation of religion in all aspects of life was the particular approach Iranian revolutionary people sought. They looked for a bright truth which had strong criticism toward Communism and Capitalist imperialism. This critical viewpoint, however, brought so much enmity from world imperialists against Iranian nation just because they had rejected to take imperialism for granted.

French distinguished thinker Roger Garaudy says: “Islamic Revolution of Iran provided a new model for evolution of human and society, which is in accordance with spiritual heritage of nations, and that is the reason for animosity of the West.”

Analyzing this popular revolution and causes of confrontations against it, Canadian scholar, Robert Colston, says: “To me, as a Western, non-Muslim person, this is a miracle that in the modern world an ideological and divine revolution can successfully happen and move toward establishing justice. This revolution is without any doubt supported by God.”

Islamic Revolution of Iranian nation seems to have attracted masses and thinkers who think freely and this attraction has so far remained strong.

Islamic Revolution of Iran led by Ayatollah Khomeini opened new horizons for the oppressed people of the whole world to release the most exalted wishes of mankind and show them new ways different from what is already known in the world. This new way was based on attention to God and divine beliefs; a way which considers dignity and ranking of people not in their wealth and power; a way which defines people’s dos and do not’s according to their human dignity. And this dignity has its roots neither in capitalism nor in Communism.

Islamic Revolution of Iran had a strong impact on the West of Asia and the world, and its righteous leadership by Ayatollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei set the ground for brilliant developments. Paul M. Weyrich, founder of American Free Congress Foundation admits that “Through the victory of Islamic Revolution of Iran, the strategy of Muslim world which had been a defensive one for nearly three centuries, has now transformed to an offensive strategy. Now Islam is spreading across the world; from south to both African coasts, from east to south of Chinese sea and Australia, from north to eastern and western Europe, and from west up to the United States. Compared to other religions, Islam has the highest growth rate in the United States.”

This admittance shows how influential religious thinking introduced by the Islamic Revolution of Iran has been across the world.

But what have been the results of this great religious revolution in Iran?

The impact of the Islamic revolution in Iran at the first stage included all masses of people and subsequently certain classes.

As major supporters and progressive elements of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian women were an invaluable target community for whom the Revolution has done its best in return. Of course, fundamental developments in women’s status in post-revolution Iran result from deep divine and humanitarian thoughts of leaders of the revolution which are according to Islamic teachings. A short review of the thoughts of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei shows the weight they give to dignity and esteem of women.

This attention, thanks to perseverance and pursuits, turned into influential laws in favor of women, which brought them effectively to play roles in society and paved the way for their individual and social achievements.

In order to explain the achievements of Iranian women, it is necessary to have a glance at some viewpoints of Iran’s great leaders and to study, through statistics and figures, the impacts of these views in action.

Views of the Leaders of the Islamic Revolution on role and status of women in society

The late leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, whose efforts led to the victory of the Islamic Revolution, thanks to Allah’s support and that of people, had a unique thinking and spiritual characteristic.

Download PDF:  The Status of Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran

[1] Director General, Office for Women and Family Affairs, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization

[2] Nahj al-Balaghah, Sermon 160